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Daughters Are Blessing

Children are a great gift from Almighty Allah to all parents. Parents must think of their children as such treasures that the all the wealth and material resources are worthless as when compared to one's children. We, as parents, should thank Almighty Allah for his blessing us with children whether they are boys or girls. Today, it is quite disheartening to see that some parents rejoice when the newborn child is a male and show their dissatisfaction when the child is a female and vice versa. But, this should not be the attitude of Muslim.

Islam does not excuse this type of behaviour, as such was the manner of the parents in the time of ignorance. Daughters are without doubt a great blessing from Allah.
They are a means of salvation and a path to Paradise for their parents. The Holy Prophet (PBH) has stated that when a boy is born, then he brings one light and when a girl is born, then she brings two lights.

It has been narrated in a Hadîth that the Holy Prophet (PBH) has stated that if parents are kind and generous towards their daughters, then they will be so close to the Holy Prophet (PBH) in Paradise , like one finger is to the next.
The Holy Prophet (PBH) has also stated that the person who is faced with hardship due to his daughters, and he became patient, then his daughters will be a curtain between him and Hell.

The core of one narration states that one who loves his daughters and withstands the hardship of grooming and getting them married, then Allah makes the Paradise compulsory on him and keeps him protected from the Hell Fire.

Daughters are a gift from Almighty Allah. Those parents who are kind towards them, then Allah is generous towards such parents. Those who are merciful to their daughters, Almighty is Merciful towards them. It has been stated that when parents rejoice at the birth of a daughter, this is greater than making Thawaf of the Ka'aba seventy times. Muslims should also remember the love and piety of Prophet Muhammad (PBH) with his beloved daughter Fatima Zahra (May Allah Mercy upon her).

Dear brothers and sisters, rejoice on the birth of your daughters, love and guide them and give them that which is due to them from your belongings. Do not deprive them of their inheritance as they also have say in this. Remember! Daughters are a blessing and not a burden.

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